Why does the Father want you?

by: Ben Ferrell

RSS Feed facebook digg this Wednesday, June 25 2008 in Blog | 1 Comment(s)


John 4:23 says “the Father is seeking those who will worship Him”.

The word worship means to bow towards, to turn our hearts toward, and to “kiss”.

Why does the Father want you? Why is he seeking for you with an overpowering desire and love? Why does he continually reach his hand to you, saying, “come, be one with me…be my child.”

I believe it is for the same reason He sent His only son Jesus to earth. The Father wanted to show off His son. He said, “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased, hear him”.

Although Isaiah says Isaiah 53:2-3 says, “He has no form or comeliness; and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him. He is despised (taken lightly) and rejected by men. A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him. He was despised, and we did not esteem Him”.

NOW, that is changed. Christ is now exalted and His face shines with such brightness that it makes the sun and all the stars appear dim.

All creation will be and is clamoring to see Him, in all His Glory. Now, The Father wants to show off His son in this exalted beauty. He is the light of Heaven, attracting all creation to His appearance! The earth is literally groaning for the sons of men to be one with the Bridegroom of the Universe, Jesus Christ.

Come to the Father, and He will show you His son. In Him is life, security, hope, joy, peace and eternity.

Now, and forever, we can behold the beauty and the wonder of Jesus, High and lifted up, His train filling the temple. My friend, Darlene Zchech, refers to him in one of her songs as the Darling of Heaven.

This is why the Father is seeking you to worship Him…He has something He wants you to see! He wants you see His face and to behold His beauty, and KISS THE SON, and let His Father be your Father.

Let’s talk about it!


1 Comment:

  • 1 At 9:34 pm Sep/09/10 Kevin said...

    God bless you! truely powerful message! thank you for this post. When we become Christians worship becomes a part of daily life rather just on Sundays, God wants all of our life, rather than one day of the week. He wants all of us! I offer my whole day to the Father and make every part of my day a prayer. I pray that the Lord guides all of us to fully worship him and feel His powerful love and Divine Mercy!